Contact Us
Phone: 949-540-0320
Laguna Hills Civic Center Building
24031 El Toro Road
Suite 260
Laguna Hills, CA 92653
$3 M Settlement
A general contractor received over three million dollars from its mechanic’s lien claim against a lessee on a manufacturing building conversion.
$2.5 M Settlement
A subcontractor on a subway extension project received over two and half million dollars as partial payment for its pass-through delay claim against the general contractor and the public agency
$500,000 Settlement
A subcontractor on a Cal Trans highway claim received nearly half a million dollars on its change order claim against the general contractor
Resolution of a payment dispute between the subcontractor and the general contractor on new multi-billion-dollar stadium
Summary judgment for possession of a restaurant building in Los Angeles to the owner.
Negotiation of a new multi-year lease on a construction shopping building.
Contact us now!
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Phone: 949-540-0320
Laguna Hills Civic Center Building
24031 El Toro Road
Suite 260
Laguna Hills, CA 92653
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